Smart Grid: State of the Industry and Future Trends


Publication Date: June 6, 2013

An industry expert from the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP), spoke about the new Smart Grid standards harmonization activities, SGIP 2.0, and ways the SGIP is working together (with appropriate cyber security protection), to ensure the many elements of Smart Grids will work together. The Vice President of Marketing for DVIRC, gave an overview of current data and trends compiled from Navigant Research (formerly Pike Research), on transmission upgrades, distribution automation, and a global forecast for the Smart Grid market. The Director of the Navy Yard Smart Grid from PIDC, presented the Navy Yard plans for the independent electric grid, an overview of the PSU GridStar program and NetZero Building, and the progress of the EEB Hub. The Director of PECO’s Advanced Metering Infrastructure reported on the regional deployment and program of the Smart meters for commercial building use. The event closed with a lunch presentation by the Product Development Manager of Silicon Power, of a current application of integrating renewable energy resources to micro-grids and electric vehicles.

Consortium Member(s): The Pennsylvania State University

Project contact: CBEI

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